July 8, 2009

Indonesia Chose

Today, 8th of July 2009, is Indonesian presidential election day.
I did vote, but somehow I wasn't too excited. Well, maybe because I slept at 4.oo a.m. after watching MJ's memorial service and my mom woke me up at 7.30 a.m., and I was so sleepy to take a shower and go to the voting place. I wonder why american people were so excited about their election day in 2008. They even voluntarily made posters designs and souvenirs for the candidates. The Obama posters were everywhere and there were some candidates figures and T-shirts sold during 2008 in United States. And correct me if I'm wrong, the voters got some stickers which said "I voted," and in my opinion, small things like this can build the nationalism feeling and the proud feeling after voted. Too bad KPU didn't make such a thing to make the voters feel proud that they voted.


andri said...

instead, our black klingkings represent : just go home and hide your faces from the tps!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha me too, i wasn't to excited to the presidential election, though it's my first time experience...
my mum woke me up on 10am.. i went to the tps with sleepy face hihihihihi

dinar said...

hmm. well. I do think that many people think the same way as you do dits, that they aren't too excited about this presidential election. The answers can be different. Maybe they think it's useless to vote, because there aren't any changes in Indonesia, whoever the president is. And they think that these candidates of president won't keep their promises that they voice in campaign time. So that's why they think that this election is not that special.
Anyway, talking about the stickers with the encouraging words or other souvenirs given to voters, well yeah, it does give the feeling of pride to the voters, but we have to realize that kpu needs to manage the budget as well. If I'm not mistaken, the budget used for this election reach 4 quintillion. And KPU does need more more budget to create the souvenirs. hehe.
Last, I do appreciate those who lets their little finger become purple. For Indonesia!

Disa said...

gue link juga yaaa :D

Anonymous said...

vernis birunya keren dit. hehe