July 8, 2009

when dad died

Paris Jackson gave a speech in the stage at the end of the Michael Jackson's Memorial. She said “I just want to say ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you can ever imagine, and I just want to say I love him so much.” Dang! What she said was exactly what I felt when my dad passed away. Even though your dad is a strict person, even though he's not always buying you stuffs, even though he's not always giving you permissions to go out with your friends, even though he has a very strict curfew, and even though he might not seem to be the perfect dad, he'll always be the best dad in the world, ever, no matter what people say.. And watching MJ's memorial (the last part where the whole family was on stage) makes my mind flies back to 2 years ago, when the whole family hugged in a circle, and when I said goodbye to my dad. And I do miss my dad now :(


Rega Ayundya Putri said...

aaah roomiee. eh tp dit, dia kan gak tahu ibunya sbnrnya siapa.

Unknown said...

iya.. malah krn ibunya ga jelas gini jadi tambah kasian kan anak2nya? sedih loh masih kecil2 gt..

nadyarvie said...

bukannya anak pertama sama kedua jelas ya ibunya sapa dit?
yg ga jelas kan yg terakhir..cowo..
paris ini sama prince michael pertama ibunya istrinya yang kedua itu khann..

Unknown said...

oh gitu ya? gw ga terlalu ngerti nyol.. hehe.. c'est trop compliqué..